Thursday, December 21, 2006
For the first time in many many days since school ended, I get to stay home. At least for half a day. I'm loving every day, every minute and every second of my holz. And I'm so so happy!!!! Though for the past few days, I've been doing church stuffs and fei-low-ship-ing with my ministry mates, I'd had so much fun (^-^)
I'd gone to the zoo, rode on the motorbike (that was a wee bit scary cuz it was raining, but I insisted on riding it cuz I didn't want to wait until I was old and cranky and when my heart will probably just fail me and I'll get a heart attack. Heh. ), learnt how to fish (that was sooo fun!!! Though it really tests your patience quite a bit); watched Happy Feet (MAMBO!!!!! Haha...that was so cute!), Deja vu (really interesting movie even though it was quite far-fetched), The Nativity (I love it when Mary and Joseph were so sweet and Baby Jesus was born). There's more to come! And I can't wait!
Christmas is coming! "Tis the season to be jolly...fa la la la laaaa lalala laaa!!!!" Haha! As Christmas draws nearer, the excitement gets greater. Yet, as it is, and as we await the coming of our savior Jesus Christ, we musn't lose sight on the true meaning of Christmas-the spirit of giving, and the worshipping of the baby who will become man and will sacrifice himself for us. Cliche as it is, Christmas seems to be the season to be jolly. But for many out there, it is not a very jolly occasion. Disasters happen, floods arise and wash away corpses, people still live in poverty and struggle to have a decent meal, killings occur cuz of civil strife and social unrest...
But even so, as a friend told me in a metaphorical way, "In every sheet of white, there is a spot of black; and in every sheet of black, there is a spot of white".
Behind the joy and facade that the society displays of Christmas that comes with consumerism, the motive and the consequences of it which causes the widening gap between the rich and the poor is the black spot in that sheet of white.On the other hand, there are people there...who seek to find meaning in Christmas-to share the spirit of giving and to spread the love of Christ to all around.
A friend and his family left Singapore yesterday to Africa to help the people who are the poorest of the poor, to spend Christmas and New year there. And another of my dear friend is suppose to come to Singapore on a holiday, but may have to adjourn his plans and leave to spend Christmas helping the victims of the flood.
It touches me...cuz in that sheet of black, there is a spot of white. For hope. For love. For faith. I leave you my thoughts...
-Yours truly ;
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I woke up this morning...and realised that on that day he laid his hands over me to pray for me, it was almost the same time exactly one year ago that I was baptised in the Holy Spirit (^-^) With affirmations from Martin and Tnt, I was reminded of the story in the bible when the woman tried so hard to reach out to touch Jesus's robe, believing that she can and she did it so in the end with faith and was healed. How it amazes me...that Father Rufus knew what I wanted when I ran after him, when I touched his sleeve, and he turned only to put His hands over me without a word. He knew, somehow he knew. That day, the depths of my heart was touched and filled with the love of Christ, and I realised how very much in love I am with my Father in Heaven!
Praise the Lord for the success of ICCRS (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services)Asia-Oceania sub committee meeting!!! It was my first time meeting His grace, Bishop of Bogor, Indo...and well-known charismatic priests like Father Gino, Father Rufus, Father Bart from Philippines, and meeting the S. Korean religious like Brother James and Sister from Kktonggnae where they are teaching in the Catholic University aka the Institute of Love; and leading them in Praise and Worship. Seeing them enjoy it so much and dancing with gusto just swept me off my feet. I wish masses in all the parishes are like how we conducted mass during the conference too. And I was so happy to have fostered beautiful friendships with my church friends in the worship team- Iwan, Maggy, Cass, Yunita, Gabriel, Nino, Leroy, Mark, Iggy. And SACCRE Youth was invited to go to the World Youth Event in South Korea next year!!!!! During my sem break! YEAH! And to Bombay for the festival of praise and also to Indo!!! (I learnt how to say I love you in Korean...Fei dear, want to learn from me? Heh *wink*)
Cuz of yesterday, I missed watching Happy Feet with my girlfriends =( I'm so sorry I wasn't clear about the dates, and I was really upset that I cannot join you all yesterday. I want to watch Happy Feet!!! With you all =( Haiz. But we'll still meet again..aye?
A few photos of the ICCRS conference...
The Bishop of Bogor, Indonesia in the middle sitting down, and Priests from Indo with my Indonesian friends from the worship team

Sister beside me, and our woship team with the South Korean Kktonggnae religious.
Love; this is beautiful.. =Dancing with the angels, singing to the cymbals= I'm in in love with You
-Yours truly ;
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Last day of exams!!!!! I feel so free!!! Total liberation from the pressure cooker!!!! Haha!!! The feeling after completing the paper was just so words to describe the joy I had after muggin so hard for so long and finally! It's OVER!!!! Met jacey and fei to shop and dinner at vivocity. It's like HUGE!!!! And we got lost so many times...somewhat..and kind of ended up at HarbourFront Centre, still thinking in our peanut heads that it was Vivo. Bleah. Had my favourite jap food at sushi tei. I was craving for jap food for the longest time ever! It was in really really good. Met one of my ex-classmates Bibiana who happened to be working there, only to find out that she's flying off to an Aust uni to study next year. I hope I can see her in Australia next year...I hope (>.<) After that, we shopped, but yeah, I didn't shop much cuz I felt the pinch of my wallet after that shopping fiesta one week ago. Heh. But guess what? I did my nails!!!!!!! All 3 of us were pampered at the nail boutique. Honestly, I've never done this kind of thing before (say I'm sua ku if u want to...but so what? Hee) and this was my first. So fun la! Now I really can't wait to meet Jia and Melia on Thurs!!! Can't wait to eat meatballs at Tampines!!! And watch Happy Feet - all 5 of us!!!! Yay!!! There's so much to look forward to. Going to the zoo tmr with Jia Huan..then another day of the zoo with my mei and moses...go ice-skating...outing with my uni class ppl..catch up with my camp...sentosa with my ministry Nativity with monster..walk on the beach in the evenings with my darling..go KL (hopefully I can) with the girls to shop, and of course to see my handsome sista =)
Jac and I at the MRT, being vain. Heh

Three amigos...waiting for the other 2 to join us on thurs!!!!! Meeeeelia...jiiiiaaaa...where are u??
I thank You Lord from the deepest depths of my heart,
for all that you have done, right from the start.
These precious jewels in my life
Whispered prayers- helped me survive.
This flame of endless love,
strong and bright as I serve..
And now, as my jewels have shone for me,
in my darkest hours- I couldn't see.
This love I have in me,
light for all who were like me.
Believe in yourself so true,
for I believe in you.
And we will lift our praises to our God,
Father, Guardian, Guide and Stay,
for the blessings He bestows on us each day!
-Yours truly ;
Friday, December 01, 2006
Shakespeare In Love
by Layla
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A sinister romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
Teachin' torches to burn bright
She's hanging on the cheek of night
A snowy dove trooping with crows
He never saw true beauty till tonight
She'll take him to the brink of deliverance
Show him that much
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
So he falls in love to feel that he's falling
She'll let him know his heart
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
That's Shakespeare in love
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A glittery romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
His bounty's boundless like the sea
His love is endless, just as deep
The more he gives the more he has
`Cause both of them are truly infinite
That's Shakespeare in love...
A sinister romantic
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
= I don't want to to wait for our lives to be over,
I want to know right now what will it be.
I don't want to wait for our lives to be over,
Will it be yes or will it be sorry? =
-Yours truly ;