With the Holy Spirit
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The lyrics are meaningful...
If we all give a little
Everybody has a dream
What will come and what will be
And hopes it soon will be reality
But a dream is not enough
There's so much we gotta do
To overcome that bitter blue
'Cause we all know one hand alone
Can never move a rock of stone
It takes us all, me and you
If we all give a little
If we all give a little
We can make this world a home for everyone
If we all give a little
We can dry a million tears
And some hope will grow out of many fears
Everybody has some strength
They could spend on someone weak
Don't let life be a game of hide and seek
Everyone has things to give
To someone just to carry on
A little help to overcome
We all have learned a word alone
Will never touch a heart of stone
It takes much more, more of us
If we give a little love
Just believe it's really worth
Many million hearts are beating on this earth
And some hope will grow (It will grow forever)
Out of many fears (If we stand together)
If we give a little, just a little
(If we give a little love)
Give a little love
If we all give a little
(Just a little love)
All give a little
(A little) love
-Yours truly ;
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A sneak preview of my baby darling...
Introducing ...*drum rolls*
Michael Tan!!
Born 10 months ago...
He's my baby nephew (^-^)
You're on candid cameraa!!! Heh.
Smiling in my arms!!!!! Still no teeth...yet. Haha!

"Watcha doing?"

Not my boyfriend, mind you. It's my dearest kuzzin from NZ, and also a proud uncle of Michael =D Trying to take a shot by ourselves...but to no avail. Haha!
-Yours truly ;
Monday, April 16, 2007
I'm struggling with my essay. I know I can come up with a thesis for it..but...how??
Religion Violence and AIDS in the Christianity Context
A prologue of my thoughts...
The Vatican has for centuries, opposed the use of contraceptives, particularly condoms, because it prevents the procreation of life. Notwithstanding, it is the theology of the body-chastity and abstinence that holds the prevention of use of condoms. However, controversies started, even within the Vatican and among church leaders when AIDS, a pandemic, widespread disease, became even more prevalent than ever in developed and developing countries.
Admittedly, developed countries such as the US, gain an advantage in education, and stability, especially in family units, hence, they have the incentive to advocate the abstinence of the use of condoms. But, in developing countries like Africa and India, children become a gift, a need, in order to drive the economy. Zambia's President Chiluba, who proclaimed Christianity as the state religion, publicly questioned his compatriots as to why they would buy condoms when they knew that it would lead them to risk HIV/AIDS infection. It created an uproar within the state, and opened a possiblity of intra-religous violence. It then became a struggle to balance advocating the message of abstinence from casual sex to the citizens, and preventing the infected from infecting. Realising the problem of this, Pope Benedict, in April 2006, called for a study to be carried out, and was open to a possiblity of allowing the use of condom, especially between married couples where one is infected. And the use of contraceptives would prevent the death of the other partner...
Having a strongly opinionated view, I thought that indeed, it is hard to comprehend such controversies. Some people use the stupid excuse of religion to carry on their promiscuity without the use of condoms and infect so many others more! For goodness sake, adultery is also wrong! Understanding so, that's not the main point of religion and the prevention of use of condoms. It is simply that we, should exercise fidelity and self-control. And to put it across in a developing country where the needs of the country are so at stake, is going to be hard. Promoting condoms will encourage casual sex because of the security that contraceptives have and the pleasure that one can have. But preventing the use of condoms, leads to the spread of AIDS. It is the mindset of fidelity that people should have...but how? How? How so, in developing countries???
I want to invent a cure for HIV...but that will not solve everything. Cuz it is our morals that are at stake. Having a cure is simply opening a backdoor to eliminating the disease, but it will not cure the disease of the mind.
-Yours truly ;
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It's Easter!!!!! Ok, no...I'm a leetle bit late, past the day by 48hours, but better late than never right? Heh...
Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come again!!!!
I just had a spate of embarrassing encounters. In the morning, this guy thought I was tailing him. And he kept looking back at me every time he turned around the bend going up the library floors. I'd looked behind, to see if he was looking at anyone. But no. There was only me, and me, and me. He must have thought I was stalking him. Oh, for goodness sake! I ran to the ladies after that. Then, just now I met with a lady coming down the stairs of the library, and I waved to her, cuz she looked very much like a friend I knew. She waved, cautiously, and lo...she started to tail me to the Loans Desk 1 floor down, and chased me, just to ask for my name.
Lady: "I'm sorry...what's your name?"
Me: "Oh...wait, aren't you from CSS? (Catholic Student Society)"
Lady: "No no. I'm not. I'm not catholic. I'm Christian"
Me: "*quizzed look* Thinking, "Aren't catholics Christians too?"
Me:"*embarrassed* =) I'm sorry... I thought you were someone I knew"
AHHH! Oh my goodness.
Firstly, I'm always making stupid mistakes like recognising wrong people...It's that kind when you start waving at a friend who is walking behind a stranger and the stranger waves back. OR, it's that kind when you get a wave, but you don't know if you know the person, and you look back, only to see no one...so that means that bugger knows you. And I'll get a whacking and scolding for not recognising thereafter. Worse yet, if I happen to be in the place of the stranger and wave back when the person was waving at someone behind me. AIYO!!!!
Next, I was thinking, why do majority of the people I meet think that Catholics are not Christians and that Christians are not Catholics. Sigh. Christians are believers of Christ. And Catholics are believers of Christ too...just as Protestants, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians...!
Hiding back, safe behind my laptop in sheer embarrassment...I feel like an ostrich who just buries its face in the ground when danger comes and leaves its body exposed.
I shall now continue my quest to self-redemption.
-Yours truly ;
Monday, April 02, 2007
Exams are coming!!!! AHHHHH!!!! I can't believe it. Time passes so quickly that it's gone with the wind in just a blink. It's so crazy. And it felt as if it was just yesterday that semester started...*sigh*
Everyone on campus is raring to go through the last lap, and just wanting to get it over and done with so that we can have our break. I'm no exception. I absolutely CAN'T WAIT for holz to start, but first of all...there's this hurdle to cross. Aei.
A Recital of Thoughts
Wandering through the alleyway,
thoughts kept inside...
With feelings hidden,
walking through the night.
Of places and faces,
flashing through each sight.
A glimpse is all it takes,
to spur her to take flight.
Remembering the touch so tender,
-so soft...
-so gentle...
Will it be??
Or will it be sorry?
Forgetful of the days,
racing through each chime.
But all He says
"there will come a time".
-Yours truly-
-Yours truly ;