Saturday, September 29, 2007
At lunch today:
"Hey! You didn't write anything about your wallet in your blog.."
"Oh ya..hmm, why didn't I?
"Ehh. Humans are always like tt. We complain so much, but we praise so little."
-Flabbergasted. ME? Complain so much?
"No lah. WE. Humans! *smirk*"
Ok, my testimony. Here goes, my brother. Some element of truth in your words about me =P I can say a hundred words, but God can say a thousand words back to me =)
I had resigned to losing everything. And I made a new matric card. Daddy was smart. He had reports of my cards, ez-link, and everything, and monitored them to see if anyone was abusing my cards. Records had shown that no one was unscrupulous to make use of my cards. So, I left it as it is.
For 3 days,
I cried over the phone to my brother
- He couldn't understand. But tried so hard to. Thank you dearest one.
I whined again to my sister
- She couldn't understand too. But prayed so hard for me. Thank you sista.
I messaged my mentor
- He gave me practical advice and analysed my spiritual state. Thank you, I know you prayed for my state of being and God listened well =)
I showed my downcast face to Uncle Dick and Aunty at the drinkstall
- They didn't say much, but prayed for me, and treated me. Thanking God for their consolation.
I lost all hope in confiding in anyone, and my girlfriend Jac read my blog
-Thank you dear.
I whined over my loss to my girlfriend Phae
- Finally. Someone whined and complained with me! *hugz*
I prayed, and I knew that it was God telling me, with these words, "I will take care of everything." I tried to hold on to it. And tried to let go. And affirmation came, just after my prayer, when I got a message "Laine, try to let go and give it to God".
Papa made true his promise. 1 week later, my dad called me, "A, you have everything sent back to you 'cept your cash!"
Mum said, "Wa, girl ah, you have so many mushy things in your wallet!".
By some miracle, I got back everything! EVERYTHING! 'Cept for money! But I praise God and I pray for blessings upon this person who took my money and returned everything back! If my loss of money, mean that it can buy 1 month of food for the poorest person on the street
(I calculated: $3.00 1 meal x 28 days = $84.00),
then losing my money means nothing to me. Heh. =D
God is good.
-Yours truly ;
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This is maddening.
Stuck in front of a Mac Comp the size half a plasma TV, in the cyberarts studio, awaiting my grp people to come. They're late. And one is not coming 'cuz of wanting to stay in the hostel to rest. ?!!!!
Our dateline is tomorrow!
I wish I had been warned that there are such people around on Earth who simply do not lift a finger in the project. Patience Elaine.
I need God's grace. The book of Timothy from yesterday's reading and today's reading is ringing at my ear. Oh LORD! You set such high standards!!! Ahh...but I will do my best to make do of the situation.
Gooo Elaine!
-Yours truly ;
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I asked God why I had to go through so much in my go past death, to go thru trials, to go through life.
He said to me,
"My precious one, it is simply because you said yes to me. You said you love me so much that you want to know how my Son, Jesus felt, on the cross. And you asked me to grant you wisdom".
Did anyone ever tell you that living a Christian life is not difficult?
Well, let me tell you that it IS not difficult, it is impossible.
Jesus set that standard for us to reach, so keep trying to reach for the impossible, and one day, God will make the impossible, possible.
Did anyone ever tell you that you're so darn unlovable?
Well, don't listen to them. It's not true.
God loves you like crazy =)
-Yours truly ;
Sunday, September 09, 2007
I'm really upset. I lost my wallet. Everything is gone. I've no identification save for my only identification in Christ. And my pathetic passport. Though I know that deep down there are much worse things that could happen, yet, I still feel so upset that I had lost everything. I had saved so much only to set aside some money to buy presents for my friends celebrating their birthdays in September, just to to lose all these money. And they were close to $100 in cash.
$100 seemed like peanuts to everyone, especially to those working. And to those who earn thousands of dollars a month, they cannot understand how much $100 means to them.
But to me, when I'm given allowances, and I work part-time so that I can save money to go to World Youth Day and I scrimp and save money only with the thought to buy presents for friends, it means so much to me. What more the hassle of having to go to the Singapore and France immigration office, to go to the state police to report missing my IC, then to the traffic police to report my missing driving licence, and to the Singapore and France immigration office because of my lost identiy cards and having to pay hundreds of dollars to make them again, then to go to the Campus office to obtain new matriculation card, cuz of it’s utmost importance on campus, and needing it everywhere I go?
More than that, losing photos that I had kept inside over the years, especially those of my best girlfriends, and cards that special people have given me. I just felt so upset. The worse part being that there was lack of empathy in people who have never really lost everything before.
It didn't help that my dad disappointed me again.
No one will really understand. At least not at this point of time, 'cuz only more hurt will be felt when their doors slam shut in my face.
That hurt.
A lot.
Then again, humans always fail one another.
-Yours truly ;
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
The Power of Words.
I can't write anything political in this blog. I wouldn't want to be like Chee Soon Juan, an ex-activist of the opposition, neither would I want my name to be on tabloids, just because I "over-stepped" my boundaries, and venture unknowingly into an OB marker aka, an Out-of-Bound marker, so coined by our ex-PM. Nevertheless, it is interesting as a third party and a concerned citizen to observe how government politics can be ridiculed and made to look incredulous, especially during the era of reformation in the late 20th century.
The "Catherine Lim Affair" in 1994, spoke volumes of the hypocrisy of the local government structure. Feminism in the patriarchal society is akin to Individual or Society against State.
Catherine Lim opens our eyes to strategies used, not only as a feminist, but also as an individual representative of the society, to open avenues to critics and a platform to free speech.
To compete head-on against the patriarchal society, is not the strategy, because more often than not, violence begets violence. This caused the downfall of Chee Soon Juan. So did it cause the downfall of many infamous political figures.
To accept the role of an "ideal" woman in the patriarchal society, is neither the way, because it only affirms the patriarchal society.
Mime sis is the key word, the strategy. To play out the role so excessively and so ironically like an anorexic syndrome, that the structure can be challenged, ridiculed, and surface the hypocrisy in it. Feminism plays on its feminism to ridicule masculinity.
You need women to be weak, to let men show their strength. You need women to perform the function, to amplify the "maleness" of men. It is a negative elaboration of masculinity. Likewise, you need the individual and society to be weak, to let the state show that it is strong.
Women are a mirror of men.
Society is a mirror of state.
The country is awaiting her next election.
-Yours truly ;
Saturday, September 01, 2007
"Humans and mice are thought to have diverged from a common mammalian ancestor about 100 x 10^6 years ago, which is long enough for the majority of nucleotides in their genomes to have been changed by random mutational events."
(Alberts et al, in Molecular Biology of The Cell)
This is what my textbook tells me... Does "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" come to mind? The rat-a-tat wise man, and the cutesy 4 jumping turtles with "Let's save the wooorld" motto.
Ahhh. Not forgetting-Ratatouille!!! The ohh-so-delicious mixture of veggies with a tinge of french touch. Thinking of the souffles, creme...ooh lala. I felt as if I was back in france. (Eh, obviously I didn't mean the food Ratatouille) I meant Ratatouille!!! The movie Ratatouille!! Now I see the relation of mice and men. Heh.

Hmm, and my textbook also tells me this:
Guess what? It is perhaps possible that there is a truth that women lead the world (think Mother Mary). Instead of traditional mindsets of males dominance, the term so unjustly used and practiced in our world today, the discovery that mitochondria in every single human being is inherited from mothers is set to change the course of history. Men, mark this. You all are in grave danger. The world can survive without you, my dear men. Especially when nuclear somatic therapy in cloning is now made possible (remember dolly?).

BUT, as men so often abuse their authority the head of the household, to be wanting always to exercise unjust dominance over women since centuries ago (think of today's middle east tradition of stoning women who are caught in adultary), so must we women not use the discovery of science to over-prowess men and condemn or eradicate men. Instead, use it to empower women as role models and examples for the human race, just our dearest Mother Mary did, thousands of years ago.
Genetics and cloning can very well change history, for the better or the worst.
I'll go back to burying my face into my books....tests next week!!! WHY so fast?!!!! AHHH!!!
-Yours truly ;