Monday, December 03, 2007
My afternoon seemed brighter than ever, when I saw those armful bags of groceries, waiting to enter the kitchen and whip up a fabu-licious lunner (lunch+dinner) !!!!! For meee!!!!
Mm...Menu today by my very own darling chef was....*drum roll*
Fresh Leafy veggies with italian spices and salad dressings
Main Course:
Mee soto with a zest of lemon
Mee goreng with "kereku" (spelling right not? Heh.)
Baked Bratwurst sausages with italian tomato herbsauce & mozzarella toppings
Strawberries with chocolate in yoghurt
Mamamia!!! Did we really eat all those today?!!! For a first timer seriously cooking in the kitchen, though I did nothing much but poke fun and helped the chef a bit here and there, I really have to give this chef a big big hug for making my day....Not only is my tummy filled, but strength from Papa also fills me with your prayers, thank you dear!!!!
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are grey (^-^)
I wish I had photos to show..hee. Sadly, nah.
A special dedication also, to this special darling, for travelling all the way from the east to the west just for moi, to give me a box of her specially baked
Chocolate peanuts candy!!!

Ooolala. And this is her other masterpiece!!!! It looks super delicious!

For a first timer baking too, I have to say that your candies are as sweet as you... heh. *hugz*
And not last but not least, the most precious one of all, my mummy dearest!!!
Daddy drove over in the middle of the night from the east to the hostel, with half of mummy's home-baked honey roasted chicken, and only to say that they miss me lots. Sigh. Missing them so so much too =(
I'm soo gonna put in my all and do my best for the last two finals, and not let my Papa in Heaven down.
I am my own competition.
Papa is my strength.
-Yours truly ;
Saturday, December 01, 2007
3 weddings.
One in New Zealand, another in Australia, another in Singapore.
Aunt says that if I'm gonna be bridesmaid for all 3, I'm never ever gonna get married. *rolls eyes*
3 times bridesmaid, never gonna get married.
Uh huh.
So I'm most prob not gonna be allowed to be bridesmaid for the third one. WHY???! It's plain ole superstition, old wives' tale =/
Mm...thinking of the Church in New Aussie...throwing flowers, witnessing the matrimony =)
=Lost in my imaginations...=
I told mummy that I'm gonna get married in this place...God willing ( >,< )

San Pietro dal Lungatevere - Saint Peter from the Tiber bank... *swoon* Sooo romantic! Pains taken to capture this the evening sunset on May 22nd 2007, balancing my camera on the skinny platform.
-Yours truly ;