Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I took that bold step. Of course too, draining out a large sum of money to finance the exam that I'm about to take. I wonder whether it is a dream and desire that has been put into my heart by God to let Him work His wonders through me, or a trial to test me out to allow God's hand to lead me and open more avenues to be His instrument.
Feeling very much incompetent to undertake the exam but yet, I know that this is an initial feeling. Somehow, both Kel and I are alike. My oldest blood brother. Pursuing our passions. His passion lying in the WHO, to be the medical frontline of those who are in need in the World Health Organisation. Mine, lying in the area of pediatrics, to be at the medical frontline for children in need in the third-world countries in missionary work. I have exactly 7 weeks to prepare for the exam. Víolà.

This flower, amongst the scroll and wollen ribbons is what I placed at the tomb of Pope John Paul II's as I knelt and cried. The only way I could express my love to God and pleading for the intercession of our late Pope, puts a reminder and sweetness of the thoughts that I had as I knelt there at the Vatican catechumes, and prayed.
This flower, I didn't get it from a florist. I took it from the roadside. It wasn't extravagant, but yet, it was only something from deep within my heart, that went along with the simplicity of the flower.
This flower, only expressing it's beauty to the passers-by, by the Italian roadside outside a cafeteria, was unnoticed by everyone. But it became the only attraction at the tomb, glowing in its beauty as it was laid there.
This flower, I felt that it was somehow me. Cuz only in God's glory, can beauty from within be shone. And that beauty from within, has to be worked upon as long as I am on Earth, no matter the trials. Until the day the Lord picks me.
Summing all in all, since I made the decision then, I will carry on with my mission. And now, it is this mission to prepare for the medical exam. Pray for me please!!! =)
-Yours truly ;
Monday, January 14, 2008
Yesh yesh...I'm updating!!! =P
Merry Christmas and a GREAT NEW YEAR of 2008 to Everyone!!!
I hope I'm not too lag. Sorry!!! Hey, but ain't everyday suppose to be like Christmas anyway? =D
I'm too used to 6 weeks of scarce usage of comp. I needed that break from my laptop!
First day of school. I woke this morn once again to the four walls. It can get claustrophobic. And well, I dreaded going school, it's like the juvenile days when 2nd of Jan beckons, and the 6am-5pm day at school begins all over again. I think I puckered up some courage to face the day, thank God.
Mods for this sem:
Bioinformatics - Combination of bio+computing+statistics in molecular bio. I get to be computer savvy for once.
Experimental molecular bio- Labwork in gene expression profile of embryogenesis in Zebrafish. Sounds cheem. I wonder how many embryos get killed in this process =(
Cell biology - Molecular basis of cellular functions...cells, cells, cells and more cells!!!!
French Level 3 -Ahh. J'etudie francais??? Je ne sais pas! Anyone understand? Hehe =P
Complexity Level 3- Uhh. What's that?
Gone are my 6 weeks of holz. Oh! How I missed them. I think I know what it means to have Monday blues. Has anyone on this cyber planet ever felt this way before? The dread of going to work or to school? You can tell me that I am as "abnormal" as you...heh =D
I learnt something tho, from a blessed brother of mine whom I've never met before. He said, "God made the world in 6 days. He didn't make the whole world in a day even though He very well could. And each day, he only completed a bit, but when the day ended, God always saw that it was good".
So from today onwards, I'm gonna make sure that I do my bit of work and service each day, and even though I don't complete everything, but I still do my day's best, I'm gonna say,
"Hey man, today was goood." =D
-Yours truly ;