Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sneak preview of photoshoot at studio:
Extended family...And grand ole mama...

My family..with my brother and his graduation suit:

My pretty air-stewardess cousin and me...

Siblings Unite!!!! My handsome brothers and moi!

Last but not least, just me and curls...I can hardly recognise myself.

-Yours truly ;
Friday, February 22, 2008
I love today's mass readings:
Psalm 23
Matthew 16: 13-19.
1Peter 5: 1-4
Sometimes I feel I'm like Peter. In more than one ways.
Peter, the one who always asks stupid questions, and talks without thinking. Doubting Jesus many times in his walk with Jesus. He was the one who was so garang and wanted to walk on water, but lost his faith while walking on water. He was the one who thought that he knew everything, and didn't want Jesus to go to Jerusalem. He was the one who didn't want Jesus to wash his feet. And he was the one who asked "stupid" questions of whether to build tents during the Transfiguration.
And sometimes I feel like that. I am so in awe with Jesus, but yet I do stupid things like Peter does. Seeing my flaws in his flaws.
Sometimes I can be so garang, and be so full of courage. But that only comes at the spur of the moment. And later I become a chicken.
When sometimes I think I'm doing something right, or I THINK is right, I end up doing something that seems silly.
Oh man. But well, Jesus has His way with me. Always. And in my weakness, I am filled with His strength. The Lord is my Shepherd.
Tomorrow starts term break!!! For NTU!!! NUS!!! YEEEAH!!!!
And Singapore won the bid for Youth Olympics 2010!!! Yayyyyy!!!! Go Singapore!!!! She's the one! =D
P.S.Hey dear, this is the Catholic version I believe =)
1 Peter 5: 1 - 4
So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ as well as a partaker in the glory that is to be revealed.
Tend the flock of God that is your charge, not by constraint but willingly, not for shameful gain but eagerly,
not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock.
And when the chief Shepherd is manifested you will obtain the unfading crown of glory.
-Yours truly ;
Friday, February 15, 2008
Today being the 15th February...Still, it's never too late to wish all my girl and guy friends, brothers and sisters,
Happy Valentine's Day!!! =D
It is the only day when macho men can be seen carrying roses and flowers to impress their girlfriends, (I tell you, most guys would rather bury their faces in the soil like ostriches, than be seen and caught carrying flowers) and the women are dressed exceptionally nice. (I had lab from 12-6.30, and in lab, my eyes couldn't help but roam around to observe...heh). And well, restaurants are packed full of couples, and restaurants glee with joy at the thought of selling "limited dinner sets" just to hike the price 2 folds up, and extort money from men who have no choice but to burn a whole in their pockets. Strangely too, I remember last year at ECP, one rock by the beach could house 10 couples seated just inches away from another couple. (It did look pretty funny when you look at a wider view and see the whole rock from a distance).
Unlike the younger days when there were lots of roses, chocolates, sweets, candies, and small little things that we girls would give one another, there was less of it as each year passed, especially after secondary school.
This year, for the first time, I didn't buy roses, or made any special gifts for anyone. Sorry girls(I still love you all the same, you know I do right??? =D ) Then again, as commercialised as Valentine's Day can become, it is a day to recollect on St. Valentine's Day and how it came about. Check it out!
-Yours truly ;