Saturday, August 07, 2010
We live in a world of lies.
Everything around us is a lie.
Even promises are lies.
Maybe only 1 promise remains true...
By a man who remained faithful,
All his life until death.
I just want to sleep forever...
never wake up to a world of lies.
Happy Feast of Transfiguration
-Yours truly ;
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Where koalas (my favourite little animals) spend 18hrs sleeping, and 6 hrs awake, eating and thinking)
Humans like me spend 18 hrs awake, busy with studies, and 6 hrs sleeping and dreaming.
I actually had a Godly inspiration in that 6hrs of sleeping...
"Watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Your words become your actions; your actions become your habits; your habits become your character. Your character becomes your destiny."
Often, I'll go to the hospital nearby my place to have mass on Sundays. Sunday masses are speed masses here down under. I've never had Sunday masses in 30-45mins before. At the very least, back in hometown Singapore, masses on Sundays are 1 hr. Hence, speed masses were weird at the beginning for me. Then again, they are effective. The priests here give a max of 8 mins homily (following Vatican II constitution apparently), but boy do I learn something each week. And this week was the sentence above.
And again on Facebook (the jewel of mass comm) made me skim past a Macedonian friend writing this on her wall. I pondered over this for many days before sleeping.
What exactly is a person's destiny then????
What is MY destiny??
Oxford dictionary says that destiny is "the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future".
God has a plan for every one of us. But can you imagine that he actually gives us free will, and the ability to choose our thoughts, actions and deeds? Logically, God can actually manipulate us like the Sims game. Contrary to that, however, is that he has a plan, but we have a choice. At the end of the day, we may or may not end up where God would love for us to be. But, when our heart is in the right place and willing to follow God at any point in our journey, we will ultimately end up where God had initially intended for us to be.
Think Moses and Egypt.
-Yours truly ;